→ Mon July 03  Fri July 07  Sat July 08 → Sun July 09

Theme – The Good And Bad Land

Watch Films HereRebirth
Dir. Frank Kilpatrick – United States

Nominated For >> Best Animated Film, Best Kid Friendly Film, Best Original Music

Synposis: Rebirth: Intended to foster environmental climate change awareness by children, Rebirth is A Child’s Environmentally-Friendly Fairytale — a 12-minute animated musical suite depicting the respective seasons in four movements: The mini-symphony features (recorded-live) violins, cellos, clarinet, oboe and timpani, among other instruments, as it gathers momentum to provide a personal experience of nature’s growth cycles – with trees dancing and tendrils triumphantly bursting forth through the soil. Further, it doubles as a meditation mindfulness exercise as it allows us to teach children to move a little bit more methodically – react less and observe more. To pay attention instead of being distracted.

KeyWords: #Film #Animation #Seasons #Growth #Renewal #Winter #Spring #Sumer #Autumn #Rebirth

Watch Films HereGarden State
Dir. Julie Langsam – United States

Nominated >> Best Experimental Film, Best Short Documentary, Best Environmental Film

Synposis: Filmed in various locations throughout New Jersey, Garden State explores the diverse landscapes in which wildlife, development, farming, and industry coexist in the most densely packed state in the union. Thematically concerned with utopian/dystopian ideas about modernist ‘progress’, the static camera lens observes New Jersey without judgment in order to allow the viewer to draw connections between the visual poetics of the landscape and the overwhelming legacy of human intervention.  Sound Design by Kevin T. Allen.

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KeyWords: #Documentary #NewJersey #GardenState #DocumentingSpace #NewTopographics #Landscapes #UrbanSprawl #UrbanDecay #UrbanExplorer #UrbanArt

Watch Films HereMapping Love
Dir. Mary Alice McMillan – United States

Out Of Competition

Synposis: Filmmaker Mary Alice McMillan explores the geography of her family’s past to learn why every woman in her family has developed breast cancer and where her own breast cancer-related genetic mutation may have originated. Her mom and aunt join her on a journey back to their birthplace in Niagara Falls, New York, just blocks away from the Love Canal Superfund site. This documentary brings the viewer along on this intimate and sometimes-infuriating journey as these women wrestle with the generational effects of a massive environmental disaster, prove the resilience of their family, and make life-altering decisions about their health.

KeyWords: #Documentary #BreastCancer #BreastCancerAwareness #BreastCancerSurvivor #Cancer #CancerSucks #CancerSurvivor #ChemicalDumping #Environment #EnvironmentalDisaster #HookerChemicalCompany #LoveCanal #ValleyOfTheDrums #WasteManagement

Please join us on ZOOM for Post-Screening Q&A with the Filmmakers

The Q&A is scheduled for 11:00AM (EST)
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