Saturday July 13 - 12:00PM [EST]

Felicilandia 00:32:32 Dir.  Carlos Musalem   –   Chile   –   Spanish Only – No English Subtitles Synopsis In a paused world, the passion for adventure never stops. Amidst the pandemic, surfer Nicolás Vargas conceived a mission to escape confinement. Together with his friend Guillermo Satt, they embarked on a journey to Chilean Patagonia in

Saturday July 13 - 1:00PM [EST]

Paving The Waves 00:13:25 Dir.  Sophie S Simon   –   United States   –   English Synopsis “Paving the Waves” covers the stories of 4 different female surfers born and raised in the 805. We hear how generationally the surf community has been primarily male-dominated, and how it affects the female surfers. The film

Saturday July 13 - 1:30PM [EST]

Ipar 00:26:24 Dir.  Damien Roussel   –   France   –   French Synopsis What is your inner child’s greatest dream? Matt Etxebarne, a Basque native, dreams of facing a mythical wave from Basque Country, Belharra, regardless of the price to pay. Dive into the narrative of the encounters and experiences that led him to

Saturday July 13 - 2:30PM [EST]

El Gordo 00:11:00 Dir.  Alejandro Maytorena   –   Mexico   –   Spanish Synopsis Jonathan Melendres “El Gordo” embarks on a journey to Cabo del Este accompanied by his friends. They are in search of waves and something more; the fullness of the sea and connection with nature. Nominations >> Best Surf Film, Best

Saturday July 13 - 3:00PM [EST]

What We Find On The Road  01:33:00 Dir.  Chaysen Beacham   –   United States   –   English Synopsis On his 18th birthday, TJ receives a key from his estranged ex-con father. The key unlocks a timeworn ’68 convertible and a challenge to drive across America – in hopes of repairing his sense of

Saturday July 13 - 4:00PM [EST]

Dance Of Death 01:14:28 Dir.  Peter Furst, Garnet Mae   –   Australia   –   English Synopsis Two guerrilla filmmakers retrace Henry Morton Stanley’s journey across Central Africa, discovering its people and places, and delving into its politics and past. Nominations >> Best Road Trip Film, Best Feature Documentary FB @road2revo IG @peterjohnfurst +

Are You Ready For Season 13 Of The Travel Beyond Film Festival?

  • Mark Your Calendars for July 13 -15, 2024!
  • This Year, Travel Beyond Film Festival Promises You Another Live Online Festival Experience
  • Buckle In For Your Unforgettable Journey Through Gripping Stories and Heart Thumping Adventures
  • Plus Live Worldwide Filmmaker Q&As All Accessible Online
  • You’ll Be Captivated By The Creative, Adventurous Spirit That Defines Us As Humans On This Earth